Obedience Requires Sacrifice
When we choose to walk down the path of righteousness, there are a lot of things we need to let go of. Whether that be breaking old habits involving too much consumption of alcohol, fornication, stepping outside of ones marriage, thief, bad language, or just choosing to no longer listen to those worldly songs you use to love. Whatever it is we are choosing to walk away from, it is done with the idea of letting go of this world and holding onto Christ. I will first start by saying that obedience to Yah looks nothing like what we thought it would. We are so used to seeing the church movies, how those characters live, and the types of churches they would attend on Sunday. But what if I told you none of that actually matters. Your walk with Christ is your own, not your's plus your neighbors or your best friend.
Christ deals with us each individually on his own time in his own unique way, because though we may commit a lot of the same sins as a collective, each sin has impacted us in a different way. Biblical obedience means: to hear Yah and act accordingly. Basically listen for his voice, and when he says something you act on it. Hear Yah, trust Yah, submit to Yah, and surrender to Yah and his word. Obedience is not about your feelings or doing something when you feel like doing it. If The Most High wakes you up at 3 a.m. with a message and instructions on how to deliver this message. You do as he says. It is not good to question him and say things like "do I have to right now, or can this wait until later because I am really tired." This is actually disrespectful, think about it. When your parents tell you to do something it is to be handled right away and if you back talk it will have some serious repercussions. Well, the same applies to The Most High, and if it has been done before an apology is definitely in order. Yah knows you better then you know yourself, but you have to let him work on you in the way that he see's fit.
James 1:22 tells us
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
Be a hearer and a doer when it comes to the scriptures. We all know that faith without works is dead and if you don't understand what this verse is saying to you I'll sum it up. I'll give an in the world example. If a person says that they want to go to college to become a doctor. Yet every time they get close to attempting to try something comes up or gets in the way and the dream is never pursued. They have the faith but are refusing to do the work. In the same way a lot of people are like this with God. They have the faith that he will change their situations, but these people are refusing to do the necessary work in order to make a difference. The Most High is reaching out to a lot of us but most are not willing to meet him halfway.
John 14:23 reads, Jesus replied, anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.
One of the biggest ways we can be obedient to Yah is to love what he loves, and hate what he hates. Worldly things can and will bring us farther away from Yah not closure. The Most High hates the things of this world because they are wicked and evil. They cause his children to corrupt their spirits, and their vessels. Or bodies are a temple and we should treat them as such. So the next time you do something you know you shouldn't and you are feeling bad about it. Don't try to brush that feeling off, it is the Holy Spirit convicting you. Acknowledge this feeling and repent. Turn away from said thing and continue walking toward Christ.
1 John 2:17 says: The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.
This is what we are created to do, the will of God, not our own will. I have this saying that goes a little something like this: "Heavenly Father I only want your will for my life, for my own will has surely gotten me into much trouble." And this is very true. I've set myself back plenty of times because I knew what the
Lord told me but I chose to do something else. Sadly it happens to us all but that does not mean you should give up on trying to walk the path of righteousness. Yah knows we will stumble and fall before it actually happens to us. It's about whether you choose to acknowledge your sins and be accountable for what you have done in the presence of Yah and repent sincerely to him. Just a little FYI Yah loves when we take accountability.
Another way that we can show obedience to Yah is by immersing ourselves in his word, and keeping our thoughts pure. This means to spend time with our bibles and pray daily, avoid gossip, negativity, and negative situations. Stop watching, reading, or listening to things that do not align with Yah's principles. Do your best to memorize scriptures that truly speak to you for the Holy Spirit will bring them to remembrance when you really need them.
Matthew 7:24 reads: Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house in the rock. Practice makes perfect every time. You become what you choose to fill your spirit-man with, and if you replenish yourself with God's word on the daily, your
life will soon reflect it.
Proverbs 10:17 says:
Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.
In this walk of righteousness, us babes in Christ will not get very far if we are not willing to be disciplined. It is a huge part of the shading away of the old things, and becoming a new creature in Christ process. As I said earlier, every ones walk it Christ does not look the same. I've seen people who have grown up in the church their whole lives, never stepped out of line with anyone, never indulged in worldly pleasures of any kind, and enjoy walking with Christ.
I've also seen people who have grown up inside the church that have strayed away from God. Committed sinful acts, lost their way, and when they finally decided to come back to Christ and truly submit to him, they get frowned upon by the ones who have never done anything wrong. Sadly what those people don't know is that, the person who slipped away, felt hurt, pain, and shame, lost someone, lost themselves got tired of being lost, and found Christ again on a greater deeper level then ever before. Their relationship with Christ is way more stronger than most could ever comprehend because they know how dark the world is, and they have chosen to no longer be apart of it.
So with that being said, please stop trying to make another persons walk with Yah look like yours, or you disapprove because it doesn't physically look the way you think it should. Yah does not work that way, he works on his on timing with us all no matter the situation that's going on in our lives at that time. It was
never about what you think, it was never about the person that's on the outside looking in. Yah's walk is an intimate and personal walk between him and the one he's working on at the present time. It is done in secret so that he will reveal his works openly.
And finally, always do what the Lord tells you to do even if others don't approve of it. It is not their walk it is yours. Continue to chase after Christ and be steadfast in his word. Stay prayed up and believe on the Lord and all that he has for you because no matter what it all looks like, Yah has the final say.
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