Lately I've been having thoughts about something referred to as "The Ring Of Fire "when a woman gives birth. Scientifically speaking, this is caused by the babies head stretching the vaginal opening as the child's head becomes visible in the birth canal, also known as crowning. This stretching can create a burning
or stinging sensation that is very noticeable but does not last long. Now my curiosity could have stopped there, but I truly believe there is a deeper meaning to all of this spiritually.
As we know the bible speaks on fire as a spiritual purifier. Zechariah 13:9 says, I will put this third in the fire, I will make them as pure as silver. Now we are not speaking of a physical fire here. This scripture is talking about a spiritual fire that will burn away the people's iniquities and sins. So my question here is:
When a woman is giving birth and she feels this ring of fire, since fire is also a spiritual purifier, then does this ring of fire purify the child, the mother, or both? Just some serious food for thought here.
Something else to take note of here is the pouring out of Yah's spirit. Acts 2:17 says, In the last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions. Your old men will have dreams. Now at first thought I assumed The Most High was only speaking about people who were at a certain age and up. I never thought about infants. When Yah says he will pour out his spirit, he is also talking about the little ones he is placing in the wombs of his children, the ones who have not been born yet.
Isn't it just amazing how much of The Most High there is to go around. He can continuously pour out pieces of himself and never run out. He will always have something to give to us! When you really sit back and think about this, we are an extension of Christ, and our parents. Our children are an extension of Christ and us. We too will always have something to give because Yah created it to be as such.
We all have a piece of Christ within us, just as a newborn has a piece of us within them. By us women Choosing to go forward in the incubation and birthing process of our children, we have chosen to share ourselves with our little ones, just as Christ chooses to share himself with us everyday. It is said a woman is closes to Yah in the sense that she is able to create life, with the help of her husband, but also she's able to nurture this life, feed this life with her own body by sharing her sacred space with her growing baby, and enduring the pain to bring forth this life, and then repeat it all over again.
When you look closer at this magnificent work on a spiritual level, we women are not just birthing another physical person, but we have become a storehouse for a very unique individual and their spirit as well. This is truly an amazing thing. Our vessel is the vessel of another spirit for 9 months, until it is developed
enough to be able to breathe on it's own. Yah's creation is immaculate and nothing can be compared to it.
What are your thoughts on this "ring of fire"? Leave a comment below, I'd love to hear from you!
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