Christ In The Flesh

Published on 26 December 2024 at 01:15

For a good part of my life I thought Jesus was a Demi god when he walked the earth in human form. But the book of Hebrews tell us that he was indeed a complete human being. No special powers like Superman, but just a simple human being that the Holy Spirit dwelled in. His sacrifice would not have been the same if he was a Demi god. How else could he fully understand all of the flaws and emotions of us human beings if he were not one as well. That’s why the Bible says he was tempted. He felt fear, sadness, joy, and all the other complex emotions we feel on a daily basis.

Hebrews 2:17-18 says: So he had to be made like people, fully human in every way. Then he could serve God as a kind and faithful high priest. And then he could pay for the sins of the people by dying for them. He himself suffered when he was tempted. Now he is able to help others who are being tempted.

I remember hearing a comedian say he didn't understand why Jesus was in so much pain from 3 little bitty nails. As in saying that he has all this power, why can't he just get up and walk away, or these shouldn't have hurt him because he's Jesus. Well, the above scripture lets us know that this was not the case at all. Jesus was fully human, born of a woman with nerve endings that reacted to touch, pressure and all other things. He was put to the test because he knew he had a job to do. He was afraid but still chose to do his father's will and not his own.

Hebrews 2:14 says:

Those children have bodies made of flesh and blood. So Jesus became human like them in order to die for them.

This sacrifice was needed for the atonement of all sin because the slaying of certain animals was no longer working for the repentance of sins. So Yah sent his son as the ultimate sacrifice to end all other sacrifices. And in doing so Jesus conquered death and the devil for his people feared death. Jesus had to go through all of these things in order to understand the process. If he was truly a demi god, then his sacrifice would have not been as special as it truly was and still is to this very day.

Those powers that he used to perform such great miracles where not his own powers, but the powers of his father in heaven. He said it himself, "I have come to do the will of my father." He had a specific set of instructions he were to follow and he did everything he was commanded to do. He was afraid, he felt sadness, and probably shed a lot of tears. He saw first hand up close and personally what his father already knew, and that was how wicked his father's creation can be. But in the mist of all of that he also learned what our love and devotion to him feels like.

Jesus went through everything we go through on a daily basis. Making new friends, pouring out your heart to them, just for them to betray you and stab you in the back. He was wrongfully accused of witchcraft and blaspheming God. He came to change things and create a new way of doing things right. But how many times have we come across those who are afraid of change? So instead of jumping on board with the new process, (viva la resistance!) They fought against the process because they were afraid of change. Remember in my previous post I stated that every ones walk with Christ will not look the same.

Well, Jesus walk looked so odd to these people (Pharisees) that they fought against and even rebuked the son of Yah. Their anger of this change made them so blind to who he really was, everything he did made their blood boil. Do you know how hard it is to prove one innocent among so many who think that person is guilty of a crime they did not commit? Jesus went to prison, suffered public humiliation, was spit on, slapped around (as we call this domestic violence in today's world) we was denied food and water from the prison guards, and was brutally assaulted by the towns people, and had to suffered through an excruciating death sentence by hanging on a tree for almost half a day waiting for death to come in front of an audience. He was hated for no reason at all, and he was such a threat that even after his death his name made these pharisees pull their hair out and rip their clothing.

Jesus felt and dealt with every single thing we deal with in our every day lives. The worldly temptations, the useless arguments with family members and friends, being hungry and not knowing where our next meal is coming from, feeling alone because no one else understands, Talking and praying to a God we know exist but we can not physically see, and getting hate for it from the ones we thought we could trust, and the list goes on. How else could Jesus properly advocate for us all if he did not know the struggles we face on a personal level. Jesus did not come to this earth and live as a king who wanted for nothing. No! he came, he spoke truth, made friends, was mocked and laughed at, he did not fit in with the cool crowd.

He was not the popular kid everyone wanted to be like. His stay on this earth was not easy at all and he was always fighting off the enemy just as we are every day. Jesus was a man with a message and a purpose who came to full-fill his duty to his father's kingdom. And in order for us to get to Yah his father, we must go through him, the son. That scripture makes even more sense now, after this break down.

We have the best advocate ever known to man to speak for us to his father, and to speak to us on his father's behalf. The love that he has for us all is beyond anything we could ever understand. I am grateful and thankful for his 33 years on this earth and for his sacrifice he still chose to go through with despite his fear about it. Thank you Yah for your son and his sacrifice which was and still is the ultimate act of love and kindness!

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