Aren't They A Talented Bunch!
Every episode of Pokemon we are introduced to the troublesome trio, their wacky batch of pokemon, and a new invention they've created in the hopes of it helping to finally capture pikachu once and for all. But it never goes as planned, and Ash and the gang send team rocket blasting off at the speed of light.
The more I think about this the more I find it ironic in its comparison to everyday life and our walk with Christ. Team-Rocket has so much talent and they fail to realize it. Every invention is bigger, better, and stronger than the last but they are all made for the exact same purpose. You guessed it, capturing pikachu and any other pokemon they hope to steal. They are so distracted by their own goal, they don't realize how much of their lives they have wasted on this one task.
We as Yah's children spend so much of our time on what we choose to, and these things are most likely time wasters. The task we choose to be bothered with has nothing to do with our God given purpose. Every time I think of Team-Rocket now, I see three people chasing after the spoils of life. Their determination is something to be amazed at, but it just never works out for them. What if they decided to do something better with their gift and build machinery for a company? Or better yet, open their own business and make a great living for themselves. Yet every single episode they are still distracted by this pikachu.
As we are still distracted by things that serve us no good purpose either. We chase and chase and chase but get nowhere. What if we used that same energy and chased after Christ? What if we choose to give him the same attention we give our smartphones and social media? What if we actually care about his feelings the way we care about our post getting a bunch of likes? What if we decided to become less distracted with unimportant things and start actually focusing on what really matters?
Team-Rockets obsession is only a reflection of our own obsession with the things we cannot have. We want what does not belong to us and depend on it to make us happy. When all Yah wants is for his own creation to turn from their sinful ways, come back to him, and acknowledge where our help really comes from. Team-Rocket has lost touch with reality after all these years of chasing after this pikachu just as we've lost touch with who we really are and why we're actually here. To do the will of our heavenly Father, not our own.
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