Follow Your Heart?

Published on 26 December 2024 at 15:43

Through out the course of life we are often told to follow our heart. Whether it be through song, our
favorite Disney movie, or a trusted friend or family member, following one's heart is always the answer
to our problems. But what if I told you that it's not. In fact depending on what your heart is telling you, the decision we choose to make can be more detrimental instead of beneficial.

Let's look a bit deeper: Luke 12:34 says, for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Everyone's idea of treasure is not the same. To some, treasure can be saving up enough money to finally
purchase their dream home, and to others, treasure can be to break into said dream home and steal the
keys from the actual owners. The movies always portray the idea of following your heart to be the best
thing one could ever do. But always remember these same fairy tales that instruct us to do this also have
their fair share of villains. Basically this method cannot be trusted if your hearts desires are malicious, and deceitful.

Jeremiah 17:9 reads: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it?
The Most High can know it! He knows us better than we know ourselves. Our thoughts are not
something we can keep private when it comes to him, for he formed us in our mothers womb. We are all
emotional creatures, and our moods, and choices are based on what is in our hearts at that given time.
These moods change like the wind, but only Yah can truly change the condition of one's heart.

Matthew 15:19 says: For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornication, thefts, false witness, and blasphemies.

Ever hear a person say that something was premeditated? The same applies here! No one just decided
to become a bad guy, something happened to that person in order for their thoughts to take a turn for
the worst. Maybe they got tired of being bullied, or maybe someone was sexually assaulted and no one
was around to help this person in their time of need. Regardless of the situation, the victim begin to feel
a change come over them. These feelings took control and their heart no longer beats the same way it once did before.

Getting back at someone for a wrong they have done to someone is something that takes planning. It's
thought out carefully with the intention to do great damage. A heart once filled with love now longs to
cause pain. It beats with rage. Lets look at the story of Cain and Abel. Cains hatred for his brother
became so deep that he could feel it in his bones. Just looking upon his brother made his nostril flare.
His hatred on the inside was so strong that it manifested on the outside and caused him to commit
murder. He felt this in his heart with every fiber of his being until the act was finally done. He did not stop to think about his actions until it was to late.

If a person carries ugliness and ungodliness in their hearts then that is what they will become. But if a
person is strong willed in their heart and mind about Yah and his word then this is what they will bring
forth. The light of Yah will shine through this individual and drown out the darkness. Psalms 37:4 reads: Delight thyself also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Our Heavenly Father knows exactly what we need and when we need it. If we root ourselves in Yah and
his word our hearts will beat for him and all the things we need which are the desires of our hearts will
be given unto us. But our desires need to match up with his for this to work. When you walk with Yah
your hearts desires begin to change. Your no longer carnal but made knew, and so are your thoughts.

Worldly things no longer interest you, but finding ways to serve Yah's kingdom become very important to you. And finally Proverbs 4:23 says: Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of life. Guard your heart at all cost. Please be careful of the company you keep because the wrong company can bleed all kinds of malice, anger, and fear onto your heart if you let them. Again I say guard your hearts as much as you guard your cell phones if not more. We are very impressionable people and it does not take much to make a person angry these days. You never know what someone is thinking or feeling.

People carry things around in their hearts that can weigh you down and keep you trapped in a battle that was never meant to be yours. Stop letting people in so easily, let them know what it feels like to have to go to war for you just to even get a minute of your time. Believe me when I tell you, the right one's will be the one's that choose to stay in your life.

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