Sleepy Suburb

Published on 24 January 2025 at 15:56

So beautiful yet so peaceful

It seemed like the whole world stopped and slept for 3 days

As far as the eye could see there wasn’t a soul to be seen

Tranquility at its best

A sight that I’ve never truly seen and the warmth of in doors couldn’t hold me

I knew I had to go out and enjoy it no matter how low the temperature was

My inner kid was screaming to be let out and once I exited the doors a winter wonderland awaited me

The sky was so gloomy but it took nothing away from the scenery that stretched before me

I left my house a total of 4 times that day because I just couldn’t get enough of the snow.

It resembled a fluffy white blanket that lay upon the nature beneath it

As if it was keeping the ground warm but instead icy cold to the touch

I got to experience new memories that I never thought I would on that day.

Though cold I and my daughter’s eyes and hearts were filled with joy and wonder as we marched through that snow.

It was the stuff of movies and no matter how many pictures or videos I took it did not do it justice. Yes a picture is worth a thousand words but not enough pictures could capture it in the way it needed to be captured.

On the second day I was in awe of the sunshine that awaited us. As the snow began to slowly melt I crunched through what remained in my rain boots while taking more photos and was stopped by a neighbor who began to minister unto me. His words were beautiful, heart felt, and filled with joy about the coming return of the Messiah. Once our talk was done and we parted ways I couldn’t help but become joyfully emotional at the sight that lay before me. Due to the brilliant sunshine, the snow was extremely bright, and hard to look upon for too long. With a closer inspection I noticed it even looked crystallized and asked a simple question to my Heavenly Father. Not because I needed an answer but more out of awe. I asked him “Is the what it feels like to gaze upon your face? The snow was so white, bright, and beautiful it reminded me of several bible verses describing Gods light. Numbers 6:22-26 says “The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you”.  And 1 Timothy 6:16 which says “He alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see”.  I remained awe struck for some time and had to share this beautiful discovery with my husband whose response was “Jesus is King!” I don’t know if I will ever experience such a moment as that again for quite some time but I am so grateful that I was able to witness such beauty for that short amount of time. Finally after 3 days the world seemed to arise from its slumber and the streets were busy once again. The snow melted and it all looks as if nothing happened. As if that winter wonderland was just a dream. But we all know that it was not. Somehow this experience changed me in a great way. I’m not exactly sure how but I have a new perspective on such matters. I believe Yah was showing us a sign and in that sign lay many different reasons, and explanations because it rarely ever snows where I live, and if it does, it does not stick. What a way to start off a new year 🙂. I can’t wait to see what else is in store!

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