Spiritual Channeling & Soul Selling In The Music Industry!!!

Published on 1 January 2025 at 00:14

This blog is a collection of my personal notes which I pasted here in the order I wrote it. Please take from this what you need and I pray it helps you in the way that you need it to...

  • Adam used his whole brain in the garden of Eden which is how he was able to name all of the animals. Sin makes us “dumb" which is disconnection from God. Sin cut us off from using our whole brain. We are created in the image and the likeness of God so what he says and does we also do. But when sin occurs we become disconnected but the spiritual gifts remain, however, the source of the power has changed. So when the talents are used instead of drawing forth the will of God it will draw forth the will of the enemy. And when we become saved and born again in Christ Jesus we once again began to draw forth Gods desire and will when we use our spiritual gifts.
  • When we sin we get disconnected from God in several ways but our spiritual gifts stay in tact. We become plugged into a different power source. This is way many celebrities use their spiritual gift of singing to glorify the pleasures of the world. They are no longer plugged into Yahuahs power source but satans power source. “The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, the pride of life.
  • Music is spiritual and supernatural. There is a spiritual source that is influencing you. Just because the music makes you feel good does not mean you are connected to the correct source. Just because one decides to not serve God the talents are not taken away from them. They will still be able to draw, sing, design clothes etc but the source that are connected to is not God. They are using their talents with the enemy’s power. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He steals the spiritual gift, to kill the persons connection with Christ, and destroy the spirit and soul of that individual and whoever they influence. The source of someones talent is not always God!
  • When they are of an ungodly source whatever resource they have, money, hair products, clothes etc..is cursed and if accepted by others that person becomes cursed because of the ungodly source of the giver. That persons life is an agreement with the source of the power. This is why the payment for the source of the power is a persons life. This is why many of them have a death date.
  • The money given to judas to betray Jesus Christ was a down payment for a death ritual. When he tried to return it to the temple they refused it and did not want to touch it because it was cursed. It was blood money. They buried it in a field. 
  • When prince had slave written on his face. He was not saying he is a slave to the music industry. He was implying that he was a slave to the source of the music industry…the enemy because he sold his soul for fame and fortune and he chose to use the wrong source instead of using God.
  • What you are influenced to do determines the source they are using. Some of the most powerful and popular celebrities know how to channel. Just remember when you hear them sing its not them singing its the spirits behind them using their vessel.
  • We were bamboozled by the powers that be and they knew they could fool us because we did not understand this very concept of the source. We thought because someone was successful it must have come from God but really it came from god. If the celebrity says “I want to thank God or Jesus" when accepting award's, satan does not care if they say this because he knows the effect and outcome of that individuals success is not that of Yahuah as the individual may think.
  • Many of them are deceived thinking they can receive prayer before getting sent into the lions den. They think just because they are a christian they are blessed and then walk right into Hollywood sing secular songs and come out unscathed but that is a lie.
  • The contracts are covenants. Satan is purchasing influence and the soul is the cost / price. These familiar lyrics come to mind (We just wanna make the world dance, forget about the price tag). 
  • He tried to offer Jesus Christ influence. Celebrities are walking influence. This is way they are all tattooed up with lots of piercings, certain haircuts and styles. It’s all for a reason.
  • This is why they put them through so much trauma because they will yield more as a result of it and be a powerful channeler. (Mk Ultra) the trauma from this causes the child to yield more to spirits. This is why they always talk about hell or going to hell because they know what they did. This is why we must stay in Yahs word and wear the armor of God at all times. Discernment is the power that can get us through the hour. Our only influencer should be Christ Jesus ONLY! Not any worldly performers. 

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