What Is In A Name?
A question that has been pondered by many.
A name, just a simple name, but only not so simple after all.
A name is a word that can invoke power and responsibility.
Hope and fear, love and sadness.
A name can be a curse or a blessing to the one who holds it.
A name is a permanent possession and it can be used to make or break an individual.
A name, there is power in a name.
The power to heal but also the power to kill.
A name, like my name Can hold so much trauma.
That trauma can get passed down to the one who now owns that name.
Abuse, shame, hurt, jealousy, pettiness and pain have come with this name.
And for a long time I just didn’t get it.
Why does it seem like I am repeating her life?
Was the question I needed answers to.
I am not her, but for some reason I am reliving her struggles.
This life Is not my own, I must make changes now before its to late.
My name is my identity alone, I will no longer share it with her.
I took ownership of this name before I even knew right from wrong
While all along Yah has given this name another chance.
So I will create a new path for it.
That old trauma has now become my strength.
That old jealousy and pettiness have become love and adoration.
That old abuse, hurt and shame are no more.
I no longer look at what I’ve lost because of my name, but only what I have gained.
I once wanted a new identity that no longer tied me to my past generations
Now I love her and pray for her because she is me and together we are one.
I love my name and would not change her for anyone or anything.
I did not choose her, she chose me
And together we create a new destiny with new possibilities
I am her, she is me, we are one and together we live in harmony.
I am determined to show her there is more to life then just loss.
I turned the tables on my enemy’s by choosing positivity
Because Yah’s love and Holy Spirit flow within me
I gave this name something she never had before
Which is love from The Most High, and a chance to be much more then she ever was before.
So what’s in a name other than hurt, shame and pain?
I tell you there is also hope for brighter days, warmth for cold nights with rain
Peace for mental stability, and a safe haven for the lost.
There is power in a name, and it’s time to let your power outshine your pain.
Unapologetically Poetic...
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