I would tell her to wait and be patient. Stop looking for love in all the wrong places. Find your passion, continue your education, books before boys in that order and when you succeed it’s time for a celebration. No man can give you the love of your father. Because he is just a little boy himself. He does not know how to properly love you. Sex is NOT love, save yourself for your husband. Wait until your married to have children. And learn what it really means to love yourself. You cannot be nice to everyone because they will abuse your kindness. The Bible says “do not awaken love before it is time” so please don’t put yourself in a position that makes you think your either in love with someone because those feelings can be false and trick you into experiencing heartbreak.
The world is a cold and ugly place so seek the Heavenly Father for all you need. Get to know him, love him, listen for his voice and instruction, open your Bible and pray for understanding because this is the only relationship you’ll ever need. Let him heal you, let him transform you, and let him humble you. No you won’t ever find what you're looking for in this world but you'll find and receive everything you’ll ever need in him! Let him guide your steps and stop trying to satisfy your fleshly desires, they will get you in trouble. Keep your body to yourself and no longer give it to any man.
Your body is a temple and should be treated with much love and respect, not from the world but from you!!! It is not your body to freely give to any and everyone. Diseases are very real and so is dying in your sins so repent daily. Pray to break any soul ties you have created with the enemy and all unfamiliar spirits. The love you seek will not come from man but from Yahuah only and let him build you up and get you ready for the husband he has for you. Stop fantasizing and day dreaming all the time. Come back to reality, yes you’ve done this to create an escape from your problems but it will not save you from harm nor will it keep you safe. Speak up for yourself, lift your voice, find your footing, know yourself, learn what righteousness is and live it to your best ability. Put on the whole armor of God that way you can withstand the temptations of the enemy.
And last but not least, forgive! Forgive your parents for the sins they unknowingly passed down to you, forgive your sister for her ways though they may never change, but most importantly forgive yourself for all that you’ve put yourself through. Forgive yourself for your own ignorance, and for trying to be there for the wrong kinds of people. Forgive yourself for the misuse of your body and the sexual sin you’ve engaged in. And forgive the ones who misused and abused you whether you knew it or not. You are amazing and called by The Most High to do great things. Use your God given talents to honor God and represent his kingdom.
Your voice is your gift and it will help more people than you can imagine. Do something great with your life and fill your time with things that are actually worth doing, no useless distractions. You have more power through the Holy Spirit then you know and many will come to try and dim your light, but they won’t succeed, those trials will only make you much stronger then you ever were before. Trust me when I tell you, God has a plan for your life all you have to do is sit back and let him lead.
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